Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Is accordian music the future of the surf sound?

According to Mr Simon Skelton, purveyor of fine. locally crafted surfboards in North Devon's Braunton, it just might be. Mr Skelton is a renowned fetishist of all things woodsy, English and obscure and known to rip on a Bellyboard. I dropped into his shop Gulf Stream, said hello and was treated to a series of quaint renditions of squeezbox ditties. Support your local accordianist.

Monday, 28 April 2008

The primary element of my dawn patrol.

A fitful sleep, an anticipated alarm call and a low rev chequered flag beating the shipping forecast. Dull murmurings from Bush House teasing out the fact that I live on a Celtic archipelago and that I have five coastlines to choose from. Who wants to be a local?

Wednesday, 23 April 2008


More Monochrome from the Newport neo-troglodyte.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

The Inaugural Duke

Classic footage including Hynson, August, Noll, Buzzy Trent, Wally Froiseth and others narrated by Bruce Brown. Classic and rare Dora interview too. You can see the Dark Knight trying to be as obscure as possible. And not quite making it.

Homage to Woody Brown

Been out the loop for over a month because of deadlines for the next book, and also because of the sad loss of my mother Patricia Anne Fordham. Sadly, first post back is a last post for inspirational surfer of spectacular longevity and energy Woody Brown. One of the originals, Woody was still surfing into his nineties and is one of the true elders of the tribe. Rest In Peace Mr Brown.